The tiled terraces have undergone various revisions since the initial version completed in April 2012. At that time, the garden terraces consisted of 35 square metres of tiled surfaces, including walls, floors, steps, a bench and a lighting feature.
Over one thousand hand-made tiles, glazed in colours complementing the Llanbradach Façade Wall Relief on the garage, cover the surfaces of a series of low walls around the edge of the rose patio.
A set of curved steps with geometric mosaic designs lead up to the Blackberry Hill terrace, at the entrance to In Camera Gallery. The feature piece is a bench with a turquoise tiled wall containing a lighting feature within the relief tiles. The Blackberry Hill terrace is made with tiles left over from Kay’s public art commission for Blackberry Hill Hospital, Bristol, where she designed ceramic features for three courtyards in a hospital. Initially the bench and steps were completed in 2012 and the blue wall was subsequently added in 2015. The mosaic floor was finished in 2017 together with the tiled flooring of the lower terrace.