Weronika, Izzy and Kay in the studio, Made in Korea, 2017

The Ceramic House offers work placements to students and ceramic enthusiasts, or individuals who wish to learn more about clay processes. We also offer Erasmus placements to students, staff, trainees, teachers, volunteers from the EU and around the world. See the Erasmus website for more information or contact Kay

Kay has been working with studio assistants since 2008, when she moved into her current studio at  Phoenix Artspace. Many people have been involved in the making of The Ceramic House installations, which is ongoing, and on many other projects and commissions.

Weronika and Izzy underglazing, Made in Korea 2017
Weronika unloading the kiln, Made in Korea, 2017

Kay is conscientious in teaching all the processes involved in producing and occasionally installing work. Techniques include: tile making, slab rolling, press-moulding, slip-casting, mixing glazes, decorating with oxides and underglazes, glazing, firing, using kilns, recycling clay, occasionally working with mosaic and other materials.

She also offers opportunities to assist in preparing for exhibitions, e.g. at The Ceramic House. This involves handling work, hanging the show, interpretation, interfacing with the public and helping run events such as openings and performance nights. Assistants can also help in events such as fairs.

The feedback Kay receives is always very positive. Everyone enjoys working in a fun, intensive, collaborative atmosphere which is inviting and friendly. Refreshments are provided.

If you are interested in volunteering or doing a work placement, please send an application. Download PDF below.
Work placement vounteering PDF

7 thoughts on “Volunteering, Work Placement Opportunities

  1. Hi! Everyone around the world can apply to it? Is there a age limit for it? I am interested but I live in Brazil and I am 45 years old now. Thank you!

  2. I am required to complete a week of work experience between the 14th and 18th of November, please let me know if you are able to offer any work experience opportunities this week.

    i look forward to hearing from u

  3. Hi there, I have a natural interest in ceramics and I would love to spend some time volunteering with you if you are looking for someone for additional help.

    Thank you,

  4. Hello,
    I’m a certified trained pottery artist and would love to volunteer. Please let me know if there is an opportunity. Thank you very much. Looking forward to your response.

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